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Learn Hifz Quran Memorization Online on Skype

Iqra Academy Learn Hifz/ Quran memorization online is the best course for you. In this course with the help of our experienced and qualified tutors you can easily memorize the book of Allah (Holy Quran). Our online Hifz/Quran memorization course not only enables you to read Quran but also learn Quran by heart. 
Iqra Academy is the most reliable platform for Hifz/Quran memorization for kids and adults. We now offer Hifz/Quran memorization course for our sisters (women) too. Our panel includes experienced and qualified Hafiz tutors that ensure that you Hifz Quran with ease and as soon as possible. Iqra Academy offers 1 on 1 mode of instruction. That means in our online Hifz/Quran memorization class, each student is allotted with one tutors. This mode of instruction helps students a lot and they can complete their online Hifz course with great ease. With the help of our experienced tutors, students get to know about different techniques that help in increasing the memory. These techniques are quite helpful in Hifz/Quran memorization. 
Iqra Academy offers online Hifz/Quran memorization course worldwide. You can get enrolled in our Hifz/Quran memorization course from anywhere around the world. Our expert tutors (male/female) are available 14/7. So, you can schedule you classes according to your ease. All you need in an internet connection and a laptop, mobile phone or PC. Now you can take admission in our online Hifz/Quran memorization course from you homes. You can also start just by taking our Hifz/Quran memorization course trail classes which are absolutely free. These classes will allow you to test and check the quality of education that we provide and if you are satisfied with our course work you can get enrolled in the Hifz/Quran memorization complete course. 
We have divided the Hifz/Quran memorization course in three categories which are as follows:
Full Hifz/Quran Memorization 
Long Surah Hifz/Quran Memorization 
Short Surah Hifz/Quran memorization
Now each of these courses offers different syllabus (as it should be called). In the full Hifz/Quran memorization course, students Hifz/memorize complete Quran. Whereas in the Long Surah Hifz/Quran Memorization course; students get to Hifz/Memorize the long Surah. The last but not the least is the Short Surah Hifz/Quran memorization course, in which student Hifz/Memorize the short Surah in the Holy book Quran. Students can choose in the Hifz/Quran memorization course type in which they want to get enrolled. 
So, what are you waiting for? Join our Hifz/Quran memorization online Skype classes today and if you have any questions regarding the course feel free to contact us.